“No! I am not taking a bath!” Does this sound familiar?
Parents know that bath time with kids can easily turn into a nightmare. If you are always having a hard time giving your child a bath, you’ll be happy to hear that you’re not alone.
Sometimes, all it takes is one incident to make kids scared of taking a bath. Whether your child has a valid reason or not, it can be stressful if they are not cooperating in the bathroom.
Convincing your kids to take a bath can be a real challenge, but a parent’s gotta do what a parent’s gotta do. Here are the dos and don’ts of bathing your child.
Do Find Out The Reason For Your Child’s Reluctance
Did your child go from loving the bath to trying to avoid it all the time? There is probably a reason for your child’s sudden shift in attitude.

Try to casually ask what’s wrong and what happened. Perhaps you can’t get the temperature right or maybe your child developed a sudden fear of the plughole – problems like these can be easily solved.
Do Make It A Meaningful Bonding Experience
Bathtime is great for bonding with your toddler. It’s an opportunity for them to play and enjoy.
When you are taking a bath, give your child your full attention. You can sing and play together, or maybe you can tell them stories.
Once your child understands that bath time is a fun experience, they will be more excited to do it.
Do Try To Make Bath Time Fun
Kids will always be kids. They are interested in any opportunity to play. Think of ways to make bath time more fun and interesting.
Maybe you can use colored shaving cream to paint on the walls, or you can play with rubber duckies during the bath. Be creative. Give your child a reason to look forward to bath time.

Don’t Be Afraid To Try New Solutions
There are no hard and fast rules that you should follow during bath time, so go explore and try to find something that works. If you have a younger child, maybe you can give them a bath in the kitchen sink instead.
Don’t be afraid to switch things up and schedule your bath at a different time. Novelty can go a long way in keeping kids interested.
Don’t Forget To Use The Best Essential Oils For Bath
If you are looking for ways to help your child enjoy and relax during bath time, check out our various blends of epsom bath salts at Better Bath Better Body, such as our lavender-infused Deep Relaxation Bath Soak. This can help your child relax before bed.
We also have other blends, which you can shop here.