Moving around is a lot more beneficial than sitting at a desk all day, but all that movement and the time spent standing can take a toll on your feet.
Most of the time, we tend to ignore what our feet need, but problems with them can mean a bigger problem in the rest of your body. It is important to rest and pamper your feet to keep them healthy.
Looking for ways to soothe your overworked feet? Check out the following tips.
Invest In Quality Footwear
High heels and pointy shoes may look good, but they are likely to cause damage to your feet in the long run. When it comes to footwear, function and comfort are more important than fashion.
Wear shoes that are comfortable, especially if you’re going to wear them every day. Choose those that offer good support, particularly on days when you know you will be on your feet for a long period.
Take A Break
When it comes to taking care of your body, there is no substitute for rest. The simplest thing you can do for your tired feet is to elevate and rest them at the end of the day.
You can even invest in a self-massage ball that you can use if no one is around to massage your feet for you. You can use a frozen bottle of water, a tennis ball, or a golf ball for a self-massage.
Drink Plenty Of Fluids
Drinking more water will help eliminate excess fluids in your body. You can also have a cup of ginger or dandelion tea.
Stretch And Exercise
Committing to a regular exercise routine can help you get rid of excess fluid in your feet. If moving around is too difficult, try a non-weight-bearing exercise like swimming.
Also, make sure to stretch your feet throughout the day. It’s very relaxing, and it can help improve your flexibility if you do it often.

Pamper Your Feet With The Best Foot Spa
Just like the rest of your body, your feet deserve TLC. A warm foot soak detox using epsom salt can help soften them. After your foot bath, you can use a pumice stone to make your feet even smoother. Don’t forget to apply lotion for added moisture.
Use our epsom salt products at Better Bath Better Body to nourish and pamper your feet. We have a special Tea Tree Oil Foot Soak that can soothe, cleanse, and relax your feet all at the same time.
Want to learn more about our epsom salt products? Shop them here.