Mental illness is a serious issue that is too often pushed aside or stigmatized by society. While genetic factors cause some disorders, others can be the result of a traumatic experience.

Most, however, are due to several different factors put together. Sadly, many go undiagnosed and do not receive the treatment or aid they need to get by. Even the thought of needing medication or therapy can be considered a sign of weakness.
Sometimes, medication can have more side effects than actual benefits. That is why more natural forms of therapy and treatment have become increasingly popular throughout the years.
So what plants and plant-based substances can you use to benefit your mental health, and how can you make the most of them?
Many studies have been conducted to determine which plants can help with mental disorders. One of them cites lavender, lemon balm, valerian, and maypop as some of the plants that have consistently relieved mild forms of anxiety, stress, and depression.

Of course, more studies need to be conducted to validate the effectiveness of such plants in addressing mental disorders.
How Does This Affect Your At-Home Mineral Bath Experience?
Today, we reap the benefits of plants in different forms, some of them being essential oils and essential oil-infused products like bath salts and foot soaks.
It is important to note that essential oils, bath salts, and plants should not be used to replace your own prescription medication unless recommended by your doctor or psychiatrist. Instead, they should be used as a commentary therapy or to just help improve your mood and mental ability through natural means.
For premium epsom salt blends with essential oils, drop by our online shop today. At Better Bath Better Body, we have the Chakras Bath Soak, Stress Relief Bath Soak, and many other options you will surely love.