Going for a run is a great way to stay in shape, but it can sometimes lead to discomfort, tension, or even the development of more serious issues. Read on to learn a few tips to keep discomfort away after running.
Do Not Run Too Hard, Too Often
Running hard too often causes an accumulation of tension in the body. Many of the most common running-related issues come as a result of overuse.
Pushing yourself too hard is more often harmful than helpful, so make sure to rest up when you need to. Much like anything in life, overexerting yourself during a run leads to lower gains, so give your body time to recover.
Take It Slow

Always remember to take it slow when you’re starting off, especially if you haven’t run in a while or if you are a novice runner. Get your body used to the movements first, and then push yourself harder once you have completely adjusted to them.
By not going from 0 to 100 right away, you can keep your body safe from harm and ensure that you don’t feel discomfort from overexertion afterward.
Do Some Light Stretching
Normally, after a long running session or a hard race, there will be some tension in your lower body. Determine what felt tight during and after the run, and do some mild stretching exercises for those target areas.
It’s also important to properly warm up before any sort of running activity. Some stretching exercises will help you get used to the feeling of moving around and prepare you for the intensity of the workout that’s about to come.
Don’t Stop Moving Immediately
This might sound contradictory to the previous advice about taking it slow and giving your body ample time to rest, but this is a must. Abruptly stopping your movement and activity after a workout will likely lead to a longer recovery period.
The discomfort you feel in your legs after a run will only get worse and take much longer to heal if you suddenly stop and sit down to catch your breath.
The best way to end a run is to gradually lower its intensity, just as you gradually increase your speed at the start of the session. This helps your body recover more quickly.
Try Yoga
Doing some light yoga exercises the day after a hard run or a race is a good way to keep your body active with minimal risk. Of course, you should avoid an intense full yoga session, but a light session involving a few poses is a great way to deal with tension or discomfort.
Keep Yourself Hydrated
Dehydration can make recovering from a hard workout tougher than it needs to be. Always make sure to drink enough water or a sports drink before, during, and after a run. Doing so ensures that your fluids are replenished and your body isn’t left worn out.
See A Doctor For Prolonged Discomfort
If discomfort persists longer than usual after your last run, it’s best to get yourself checked by a doctor for any lingering problems that might have been caused by running. They are often a result of either overuse or overexertion before your body can adjust to the intensity of a workout.
Use A Foam Roller
Avid runners swear by using foam rollers as a way to relieve any sort of tension in their legs. It’s a fantastic method to ease discomfort, and it’s pretty easy to do. After a run, slowly roll your legs back and forth on the roller until you feel much better.
Foam rolling helps with recovery as well. An amazing bonus is that it’s also an effortless way to wind down and rest.
Get A Massage
Getting a massage sounds like a luxury for most, but if you have the means to get one done by a masseuse, it’s great for optimal recovery. Any discomfort that comes up after a run or a hard workout can be greatly soothed with a massage.
If you don’t have the time or the budget for a professional massage, you can do it on your own with your hands, have your partner or a friend do it for you, or use a tool like a foam roller.
Try A Soothing Bath Salt Soak
After a hard workout, an excellent way to soothe and relax your body is to soak in a warm, relaxing bath enriched with epsom salt or sea salt. This practice will help relax the body after a high-intensity workout.
For this, we highly recommend trying our Muscle Bath Soak and Lilliuma Muscle Soak Bath Salt at Better Bath Better Body. The former is made from high-quality epsom salt, while the latter is made from natural Mediterranean sea salt.
Each has a luxurious blend of pure essential oils, and using either bath salt is an excellent way to find relaxation and enjoy the soothing benefits of aromatherapy.
If you feel any type of discomfort after a run, do not ignore it, and try out any of the tips we have mentioned. Even if you only decide to have a short stretching session after every run or go for a cooldown jog before finishing up, always follow the necessary measures to take proper care of your body.
Want to try out a rejuvenating bath soak for your next post-run bath? Check out our online store to see the wide selection of bath salts that we have in stock.
Your body needs that extra bit of TLC so you can run at full speed, and you can start with a nice, warm salt bath.